How to read deleted WhatsApp Messages, Images, Audio and Videos

WhatsApp, as we know, is improving over the time and also constantly adding new features to their messaging app. One such demanded feature that WhatsApp implemented recently was the ability to delete the message within 7 minutes after the recipient has received it. This was a great feature, but many people were upset, that if they missed that timeframe and the sender deletes it; they will never know what was that deleted message. WhatsApp recently even updated this feature and now permits the sender to delete that message before this new time limit, which is now extended to 1 hour 8 mins and 16 secs.

Fortunately, now there’s a way to find out what was within that deleted message, easily without much hassle, and in this post, we will dig in and take a look at how to read delete WhatsApp messages. There’s a new app developer to counter this issues, and it allows you to read those deleted WhatsApp messages. So, to start exploring for those Deleted WhatsApp, you need to download an app called, WhatsRemove. The link to the APK of the WhatsRemove app is given below. Another point is that you don’t need a rooted device for this to work.

Download and Install WhatsRemove, to read Deleted WhatsApp messages

WhatsRemove APK Download
Image shows the WhatsRemove app’s APK banner

Download and Install the WhatsRemove APK file, like any other apk file. You can use Google Files Go to browser the downloaded apk on your phone. Now if you face an error indicating that the APK file can’t installed from Unknown sources. Then you need to enable the Unknown Sources option by heading over into the Settings panel > scroll down to Security and scroll down and once you see the Unknown Sources Select it to permit the installation of the WhatsRemove APK file from the external sources.

How to Read Deleted messages with WhatsRemove

How to read deleted Whatsapp messages
Image shows a WhatsApp message was deleted

Features of WhatsRemove

  • Can Read/retrieve Deleted Messages
  • Can also show/download Deleted images
  • Can also show/download Deleted Vides as well as Audio files
  • Supports Dark/Black Theme
  • Ability to change data settings
  • Ability to Specifically Detect Images, Video, Audio, etc.

To use WhatsRemove, first, we need to allow this marvelous app, to access some notification permissions, for it to do its intended job. What the app does is capture the messages, that were deleted and stored it, within the app, for you to view it later or when you miss it.

Grant Permissions/Select Permissions

So, let’s take a look at how to first enable the permissions that WhatsRemove needs, to function properly. Firstly, grant the standard app permissions such as access to messages, photos and all, next when you open the WhatsRemove app, you will be greeted with a screen, and as you move to the next screen, there’ll be three options, which requires Notification Access.

  1. Detect Deleted Messages and their files(Images, Videos, Audio. etc.)
  2. Detect only Deleted messages
  3. Detect Deleted files without knowing who sent them

The first option is what the app itself recommends; you can tap on any of these options as per your preference. If you want to know about the deleted messages as well as other files only, then choose the first option. Similarly, read other options and select them, once you tap on them it will ask you to enable the notification listener. This step is important, and you should Select, Yes.

Tour of the WhatsRemove app and the Settings within it

Now, this will take you to Notification Access, setting panel, in here you have to Enable the toggle for the Read Notifications Data for the WhatsRemove app. Once, enabled the app’s main User interface comes up.

This has three tabs, one which says Deleted which contains all the deleted messages, next tab we have here is the Chats Tab, which contains all the messages within it which are still unread and not deleted by the sender. You will also find a toggle to save chats history setting at the top of the Chats section.

Next tab contains the Settings Panel of you the WhatsRemove app, allows you to the set the theme of the app, Select permissions that we talked about in the above section. As well as full granular controls over the Storage/Data settings section and also of the detection section. The detection settings allow you to enable various options based on what fancy’s your interest if you’re only looking for deleted images then just enable that same toggle, while other’s can stay disabled.

The Real Deal

Now, once you are up and ready with your choice of permissions and selection of the deleted data that you’re interested in, it’s time to read those deleted messages. Well, the WhatsRemove app does everything for you so, whenever someone sends you a message and delete’s it later and you missed it.

You will see a notification of WhatsRemove, displaying that particular deleted messages, image, video or audio file. Or you can open the app to see other deleted messages, and that’s it. The app also has a sorted section of the categories of files in the top right section, where you’ll see icons of every media class.

However, there’s one thing to note here is that when it comes to images, the WhatsRemove app isn’t that accurate, out of 10 images the app can manage to get 5 to 6 odd images. So, don’t depend on it to do everything, but this will get improve with newer versions coming in the future.

To improve the retrieval of deleted images, videos or video files, make sure you have set the Downloading of Media files within the main WhatsApp messenger to All and also over Wi-Fi and mobile data both, this might increase the chance of getting a better result, when it comes to viewing deleted images and other similar media.

Akshay Mhatre is a Tech Journalist who likes to keep up with the latest from the tech world. He has worked at many popular news portals like BGR and TechRadar before joining TheLeaker as a News writer and journalist. A writer by day and a VFX artist by night. In his free time, he also likes to make motion graphics and concept art. You can find him on Instagram @akshayrazr_95 and contact him on akshaymhatre[@]

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