Google Play Store App gets a new update (APK Download)

Google has recently rolled out a new update for the Google Play application, as we all know this app means a lot to all Android users because we can easily download what we want and yes the next level of security is there. Also, there is a weekend PlayStore sale is running where you can download some popular useful paid apps and games for free.

The latest update version of Play Store APK is 8.2.36, a few days ago they released the Play Store 8.2.32 update, and now we have the latest one to download. Let’s check out that what this new update brings to the Android ecosystem or what is has different from the previous versions.

Google Play
Google Play Store is running on an Android device.
Image courtesy: stories

We have already witnessed that the previous update has some changes, but when it comes to visible variations, there are zero. This time as well we have bad news for you all users as there are no noticeable changes in the latest 8.2.36 update, it does not mean that Google has just renamed the old version, the difference is in the working of the application. The update has improved the speed and existing issues of the application.

If you have not received the update yet officially, then the new Play Store app weighs around 18MB, and you can easily download it from the given link.

If you are looking for a visual change than Google has also released the server side update of the Google Play store which does has some minor User Interface changes, but it is not yet available through verified and official changes. However, we suggest you install it right now cause the latest version usually provides better stability and security. For more updates related to Tech, stay connected.

You can also download the latest Google Play APK from here Google Play Store 8.2.36.

Hello, folks, my name is Akshay, and from the beginning, I like to play with the latest phones, gaming consoles, PCs, Laptops’s and whatnot. When I get spare time, I like to do Photography, and you will always find me playing with Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, etc. In Love with Gadgets, my gear Motorola Moto G5 Plus. You can contact him on akshaydua[@]

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