A few weeks ago Motorola�launched its Moto G5S Plus device in India, and from then the leaks were on the internet about the Motorola Moto X4. Earlier Motorola Moto X4 was launched in the U.S market and was first announced at the IFA 2017. The phone packs powerful hardware and is among the category of latest phones from Motorola. In the recent leaks, the price information of the smartphone was revealed.
The above image shows the retail package of the upcoming Moto X4 which is also a confirmation that device will be soon launching in India. The price shown in the above image is 23,999 INR, and the price is for the 4GB RAM and 64GB ROM variant. The phone comes powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 630(64 bit) Octa-Core processor clocked at 2.2Ghz along with an Adreno 508 GPU. The phone offers expandable storage via SD-card up to 2TB�s.
In the front, it has a 5.2(inch) Full HD IPS Display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. The phone has a curved glass design which looks premium, and in India, it will be made available in Black color. The device has a Dual 12MP+8MP Camera in the rear which can record 4K videos, and in the front, a 16MP snapper with an led flash is present. The device runs on the Android 7.1.1 Nougat and will get the Android Oreo update in future. It houses a 3000mAh battery and is expected to launch in India in November.
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