(Download APK) Google Play Store App latest update got Teared Down

Google is prepping out new Play store app updates now every week, and each of them does not bring anything new to the table visually, but there are still some enhancements going under the hood. Moreover, speaking about the things that are under the hood, folks at TheAndroidSoul (TAS) just went in there and had discovered some new stuff, that could come to the next version of Google’s Play Store, and it might come with Google Play Store App version 8.3.41.

The latest update will be slowly rolled out to every Android user ( Android 4.0.1+), and you will be getting the 8.2.58 version directly instead of the 8.3.41. The thing with frequent updates is that the latest version may take some time before it reaches your smartphone, so to counter that we have provided the link down below to the most recent Play Store APK.

Play Store app
Play Store app icon on an Android Phone running Nougat 7.1.1 Image Courtesy: GSMarena .com

The APK file has been checked for malware and is completely safe to install. While it is advised to wait for the update to reach you, but if you are familiar with the process of installing an APK file, installing the Play Store APK will not be a problem at all.

We at the leaker have covered every Play Store update recently, but with so many updates coming now and then, it can be a little confusing sometimes, So to make things a bit easier we are linking down the most recent version of Play Store ranging from the latest 8.2.56 update to the last month’s incremental upgrades.

To install any externally downloaded APP, you will first need to go to the settings menu of your device, then go to the security tab and turn on the Unknown Sources(Allow installation of apps from unknown sources), Also, we will recommend you to download and install APKs from trusted sites only such as APK Mirror, etc.

Now let’s see what new things are expected from this teardown, which showcases some code strings found in the APK file. First up is something related to installing your apps quickly.

Quick Installation of apps

 <style name="Theme.QuickInstallDialog" 
 <item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>
 <style name="Theme.QuickInstallDialog.PromptText" 
 <item name="android:textSize">20.0sp</item>
Code Source: theandroidsoul.com

The snippet of string starts with the title quick install and asks to install it on your device. While there’s no concrete information can be found in the code, except for some styling elements and dialogue boxes, but we think, this might have to do with reducing the number of steps to install the app.

MUST READ: All smartphones list which may or may not get the Android Oreo update.

For instance, accepting and confirming the install, taping on the app to install, with the quick install you might just get it Downloaded and install in only one press, and you’re done.

CookBooks: new category for Google Play Books?

Play Books
Image shows a Gordon Ramsay’s cookery book, Image Courtesy: Gordon Ramsay .com

The cookbook could merely mean a book full of recipes and guide on how to make them, as simple as that. Looks, like now you’ll be able to purchase cooking books from various chef’s from the Google Play store.

<string name="content_description_thumbnail_cookbook">
Image of cookbook cover for %1$s</string>
<string name="cookbook_buy">COOKBOOK %1$s</string>
Code source: theandroidsoul.com

As the code suggests this is a new category, and you have options to buy, free buy and give ratings to them.

Fast Scrolling options

 <attr name="fastScrollModel">
 <enum name="last_visible_view_position" value="0" />
 <enum name="nested" value="3" />

Another discovery in the APK file was snippets about fast scrolling, which might point out to reaching quickly back to the last visible list of apps? It sounds like a fantastic feature, to save your time going back up, after scrolling down towards millions of apps, let’s wait and see how it’ll work.

Floating Action Button

<attr name="floatingActionButtonStyle" format="reference" />

It seems interesting, after split window support, this could be the next significant addition for Android, as the name suggests an Action Button with various options to perform some actions of the play store within the play store could be a great touch.

Floating button
Image shows a floating action button with options popped up, Image Courtesy: StackOverflow .com

You don’t need to get back to or swipe to side menus to do something as it might be available on every screen floating around in the corner. Still, we won’t comment much on it and wait till the real deal comes out.

So, be sure to grab the next big update of Google Play store app as it will be packing many goodies to make things easier and reachable. You can download the latest version of Play Store app via this Play Store download link.

Akshay Mhatre is a Tech Journalist who likes to keep up with the latest from the tech world. He has worked at many popular news portals like BGR and TechRadar before joining TheLeaker as a News writer and journalist. A writer by day and a VFX artist by night. In his free time, he also likes to make motion graphics and concept art. You can find him on Instagram @akshayrazr_95 and contact him on akshaymhatre[@]theleaker.com.

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