Google is always looking for newer ways to access the Google search instantly, and it has come a long way in doing that, from giving you quick access search bars on your home screen to voice commands that work on everyone. The tech-giant already had the Ok Google hot keyword to trigger your voice search/ Google voice assistant, but the Hey, Google was said to be available on Google home only.
However, now it’s been reported that the same Hey, Google command now also works on phones as well, but it is also said that on some devices it simply just won’t work. Although, you need to train it to detect Hey, Google just like Ok Google.
The discovery about the Hey, Google keyword for Phones was made via a member in XDA earlier, however, the Hey, Google sounds similar to how Apple is doing it for triggering Siri, which comes from the Motorola’s Moto-Voice triggering system.
Moreover, you can just name your Moto-Voice whatever you want, and you’re just not limited to a single hot keyword, to trigger it. Also, you can check the recently released 8.3.72 version of Play Store app as well, which comes with some incremental changes.
However, if you use Google Home and your phone is also in the same house in the same room, then setting up Hey, Google for both will unnecessarily trigger the other one, so that’s one of the reasons why, you got Ok Google and Hey, Google hot keywords for each one. So, if you don’t have Google home or Google mini you can freely set the Hey, Google to trigger your voice assistant if you fancy so.