Samsung made a good decision by putting the Galaxy A8 and the Galaxy A8 Plus to compete with their rivalry at that price range. To be specific, there is no more great competition other than the OnePlus 5/5T and the Honor View 10. The Galaxy A8 siblings have got everything if it comes to specs or looks. But things got lied down a bit because of the lack of a good software touch.
Samsung improved their Galaxy phones’ software experience by improving the Samsung Experience. When it came to the Galaxy A8 and the Galaxy A8+, they just kind of ruined it by going with Nougat 7.1.1 rather than opting for Android Oreo. Quite interesting isn’t it? Even after 5 months from the launch of Oreo, Samsung didn’t provide their battle machines with the right software to get into the competition. We knew that they were making the big reveal with the launch of Galaxy S9, but they should have at least provided the Galaxy A8/A8+ owners with an OTA to relieve them as well.
After the Galaxy S8 or the Galaxy S9, people are left to go with either the Galaxy A8 or the Galaxy A8+, and both of them doesn’t have Oreo till the date. They were supposed to get the updates at the same time as a pair, but still, they didn’t.
Guess not anymore! The news is flying around that the Galaxy A8 and the A8+ will be supposedly updated to Android Oreo 8.0 officially via the OTA in Q3 of 2018. It’s okay-ish but at the same time kind of making it outdated. Almost like updating the device to Oreo after a year Oreo has been launched and has been running in most of the devices. Something strange stuff is what Samsung did here to compete with the device either running Oreo out of the box or rather got one via an OTA. Samsung should cut down the UI of the Experience UI to bring the updates quicker or shall have to improve their software development team to work off more.
Woohoo, the A8 2018 is my biggest mistake ever. A verry expensive 2016 firmware phone is realy crap. One month pure misery, no security patches, no oreo, 20 jaar times freezing a day etc etc. Shame you Samsung to bring this disaster to the shops. Have sel the A8 2018 for recycling to get a absolutely 100000 times better phone with same vendor price.. Honor view 10 is my best phone ever and it beats realy A8 2018 but also S8.
I have use the A8 2018 for one month and it was a dramatical experience. So expansieve for an 2016 firmware phone with only technical problems and at least 15 times a day freezing. Shame you Samsung. 499 euro for cap. I am happy moments that I have sell the A8 2018 for recycling so a have now the honor view 10 wich is miljon times better. Honor view 10 is my best phone ever and also bigger and better than A8. Sorry Samsung but A8 2018 is the biggest mistake in history.