Xiaomi has recently launched it’s Xiaomi Mi MIX 2�and the Mi Note 3 smartphones, and as per Xiaomi, Mi MIX 2 will soon make its way to India. Recently an image on the GFXbench revealed a piece of information about a new smartphone from the house of Xiaomi. As per the GFXbench, the name of the phone is Chiron, and it might sound familiar to some, as �Chiron� is also the name of the World�s fastest road car. Let�s check out more information about it.
As per the reports, the phone will house a 5.6(inch) Full HD Display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels; it is not mentioned that whether it’s an AMOLED or an IPS panel. The phone runs on MIUI 9 on top of Android 7.1.1 Nougat. Powering the phone will be a 2.45 GHz�Snapdragon 835(64 bit) Octa-Core processor along, 6GB of RAM and an Adreno 540 GPU for Gaming. The phone will offer 256GB of ROM which will not be expandable.
Other then this the image also reveals some information about the Cameras of the device, it will come with a 11MP rear Camera, and in the front, there will be a 5MP shooter. Because of some specs, the phone is appearing fake as hardly there is any Flagship device which comes with a 5MP selfie camera. There are some possibilities that the phone might have some relation to the car named as Bugatti �Chiron.� The above provide information not yet officially revealed, for further information stay tuned to us.