Huawei’s sub-brand Honor has a new device in the town known as Honor Play, and the device from the looks of it seems like every other iPhone X clone. However, this one being an upper mid-range device still packs a huge punch under its hood. Such as the Hi-Silicon Kirin 970 along with Huawei’s new GPU turbo technology which boosts GPU performance without throttling�your system. The Honor Play looks quite bold and has edge-to-edge bezels. However, you can’t rock the device yet and are on an older Honor Phone and want to rock the same look then you can do so by downloading the Honor Play wallpapers mentioned below.
These wallpapers are abstract and are suited for a taller 19:9 display, however, it will fit your 16:9 display just fine. The resolution that these wallpapers come in is 1080×2280 pixels, which is a Full-HD+. In total, you get 23 wallpapers, download the zip file given below and load it on your phone to set them. The app quick-pic will be a great choice to quickly browse�them on your phone’s storage and setting them as a wallpaper for home screen or lock screen or event as a Display-picture if you want to do so.
To simulate the notch like the Honor Play, you can download an app which will do the job the recommended app for this job is also given below. Furthermore, to simulate those rounded corners like the one seen on the Honor Play, install the app given below as well.
Download Honor Play High-resolution wallpapers�(Size: 35MB)
To Simulate the Notch
To simulate the rounded corners