LG has earlier launched its LG V20 smartphone, and since then a lot of software updates has arrived for it. The LG V-series devices are targeted to the users who want an excellent camera and a complete multimedia experience, and the new V30 also follows this legacy.
Anyway, today we are not here to talk about the LG V30 in this article, we will be discussing the latest update for the old LG V20. This update is currently offered by a specific carrier and not by the brand itself.
In case you don�t know outside India, there are a lot of network companies which offer the smartphone in partnership with the other brands. Verizon units of the LG V20 are receiving the new update, and this is not an Android upgrade, the new update provides the latest November security patch which ensures that no infected file or virus can attack the smartphone. It is an OTA(Over the Air) type update and is arriving with the version VS99518A.
Other sources and reports also indicate that Verizon is even going to push this November security patch to its other devices as well, Samsung Galaxy S7/Galaxy S7 Edge, LG G6, Moto Z Play/Moto Z2 Play. Updates for these devices will be rolling out soon.
This security patch is also rolling out on a number of devices including Galaxy Note 8, recently the device has received the November security patch but in China and Hong Kong region. Security patches are very important for the device, and they provide latest security software so that the device can be protected from the newest malware.