Gaming has become a very popular hobby for many no matter one�s age or gender. Today, mobile gaming is the preferred method of gaming. Over the years, a lot of developments occurred that led to today�s popular format.
The first device that allowed users to game on the go was the Nintendo Game & Watch, released in 1980. Of course, in comparison to today�s gaming format, the display images were a bit simplistic with garbled sounds. However, its long battery life and pocket size compensated for this. Nintendo adapted this device into their Game Boy, released nine years later. The device has cartridges that can be interchanged which were a novel idea. Atari released a similar device known as the Lynx. However, the price was rather high which prevented it from gaining much attention.
AS mobile phones began to be more widely used, developers began loading games on the devices.� Tetris was the first game released but several years later, Snake, was loaded on Nokia devices. At this time, games came already installed on the phones and other games could not be added which limited their use to a degree.
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When developers added internet to the phone and created the smartphone, gaming implications grew significantly. Phones no longer had to be pre-loaded with games because an app store could be accessed specific titles of interest could be downloaded and installed on the device. This made it much more convenient to try different games helping to create popular gaming crazes. Adding the internet to a phone also led to the creation of mobile casinos which permitted gamers to play their favorite casino games no matter where they are.
Considering the impressive evolution of mobile gaming, it will be interesting to see what future trends will be associated with the industry.