µTorrent Beta version Allows you to Stream content online (Download)

When it comes to Torrents, there are a lot of clients available to download the torrent specific files. There are some well-known names in the market like Flud, Vuze, µtorrent, etc. and in today’s article, we will talk about the latest update for the µtorrent client. General features like pausing downloads, etc. are available for almost all apps and the new Beta app of the µtorrent brings some new features, let’s check out more about the app.

Image of the µtorrent update.
Image courtesy: androidpolice .com

This is happening for the first time in the history of the torrent clients that a user can watch any torrent video file before downloading. Yes, you’ve heard it right, now in µtorrent application, there is an option to stream the download, and it is a much-needed feature. In a torrent, it often happens that a torrent file appears to be different but packs a different file.

The option currently is limited to the Beta version of the application, for making app friendly with this feature a lot of changes have been made. Earlier it was not possible to stream the content from torrent sites, but it looks like µtorrent will bring the variation in these traditional way, in other applications one can only download the file. And he/she doesn’t have the ability to stream the content before watching, according to us it will going to help a lot to those who are music lovers, movie lovers, etc.

As we have mentioned above, this feature is currently limited to the Beta version of the application which means we all have to wait for it to arrive in the app soon. If you want to experience it early, then we have provided a link below from where you can join the testing program.

Join the Utorrent testing program

Hello, folks, my name is Akshay, and from the beginning, I like to play with the latest phones, gaming consoles, PCs, Laptops’s and whatnot. When I get spare time, I like to do Photography, and you will always find me playing with Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, etc. In Love with Gadgets, my gear Motorola Moto G5 Plus. You can contact him on akshaydua[@]theleaker.com.

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